Monday, October 4, 2010


Remember the old saying, "Stick and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? What a crock!
Lard ass

These words I have said to myself. I think it hurts more when the bad names never leave your head. It is so much eaiser to believe the bad things about yourself, the flaws, the imperfections than it is to believe that you are worth more than what the scale says. That you are worth not going to the drive-thru.

The last couple of weeks, I have fallen off the wagon and then the wagon rolled over onto me. I don't know why I am so pumped for about 2 weeks (sometimes less/sometimes more) and then, it happens....the cravings, the "I must have XXXX or I will die!" I stop going to the WW meetings and then it was a TKO. I was down for the count.

The truth.
The truth is that if I keep eating the crap I am eating, I WILL, in fact, die. It bothers me that I feel this way. I don't want to be a prisoner to this body.

My husband told me that I need to decide if I want to be a victim or a survivor of this battle of the bulge. I don't want to be a victim anymore.

My long term goal (by this time next year) is that I want to run either a half marathon or a full marathon.

So...we shall see.

Until Next time.


  1. I wish I had some advice, it's the same for me! I can get in the groove and do well for a while, even a few months, but I get discouraged, get off track and BAM. I keep looking for a teammate, I feel like I can't do it alone. I guess don't beat yourself up so much about it, it's hard. Lots of people can't do it. :) But I think you can.
